Tomorrow is World Read Aloud Day! We are going to celebrate by reading aloud, listening to authors, or taking action in any way we can to Read It Forward  in honor of the 793 million people who cannot read.

Derek Munson, author of Enemy Pie, will be kicking off our special event with a school wide Skype in the lunchroom at 9:35.

After the kick-off students will return to their classrooms and receive a sticker that will list all their book choices and location. This sticker should be worn throughout the day.

Our visiting author, Shelly Sleeper, has agreed to an another presentation giving all students in K-4 an opportunity to listen to her latest story being read aloud. She will present to the Kindergarten and first grade classes at 1:00 and Grades 2-4 at 11:40. Shelly will be autographing copies of her book Shelby's Imagination Station.

Click here to download an order form for Shelby's Imagination Station. Please let me know if your child will be getting a copy so that I can give Shelly an idea of how many books to bring.

*****We are looking for more volunteers to be with us from 10:00-12:00 to help support students getting from one location to another - NO lost kids!

Hope to see you tomorrow!

Teacher / Librarian



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