More books to be added soon!

Has your child told you about Bibliosasium.com - it's become more popular than I ever imagined. Kids are building their virtual bookshelves and feeling quite proud of their reading accomplishments. In our house when a friend recommends a book to Madeline we then put that book on our "I want to read" list. Please let me know if you need the welcome letter sent again so that you can enjoy Biblionasium.
Click here for QAE Summer Reading - I created this document to provide more reading support in the home. Summer is wonderful, but if reading takes a break for 11 weeks, that same amount of time is needed to catch up in September.
Having the privilege to greet each student who walks into this library, bring books alive and provide reading opportunies makes me one very lucky man! From the bottom of my heart, thank you to the wonderful volunteers who make the QAE library Program stand out from the others. And to the parents who read my blog, connect with the happenings in the library, visit digital portfolios and leave powerful comments and read at home! We are all making a difference in the lives of kids.
Have a great summer - hope to see you in September! For those moving onto another school, thanks for bringing your child to us! Please for anything.
Teacher / Librarian