Teacher / Librarian
I am not selling Comcast service, actually quite the opposite as service in our home has been questionable. Recently though, I did receive an announcement that Comcast is partnering with a non-profit organization, One Economy. After reading about it I thought I should share this with others. One Economy is offering hugely discounted Internet service ($9.99) for those families meeting the criteria. One condition that sticks out is that one household member must qualify for free and/or reduced lunch. I am also seeing computers can also be provided at a very low price. Click here to download more information about One Economy or stop by the library for a copy of the attached PDF. Please forward this to other families that would benefit in discounted Internet service in the home.
Jeffrey Teacher / Librarian
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Here are just a few peeks into the art projects being auctioned off this Friday. Stop by this week in the library to preview these treasures that could be in your home!
Jeffrey Teacher/Librarian ![]()
QAE primary students are beginning explorations into non-fiction. To support their research, the library has created Pathfinders (a collection of resources on one subject that can include: reading lists, videos, web sites and images). Our Pathfinders have been embedded into blogs that allow us to report back new learning and, even greater, the ability to receive your questions that will motivate explorers to dig deeper. Can you think of a question or two to add to the Pathfinders? Giving our students a real audience and providing feedback, questions and encouragement is up there with the greatest things we can do to support your students. Feel free to share this invitation with family and friends.
Thanks for your valuable questions! Jeffrey Teacher / Librarian ![]()
Today the book fair is open for classrooms to visit and then again this evening from 5:30-7:30. Book shop owner, Carol Santoro, is donating 25% of all profits to the library program. Wait, it gets better - for the rest of the month she is giving a percentage of profits that come from QAE shoppers who come into the book store (a very special place!). My daughter and I will definitely be visiting her!
If you are able, please look at the classroom wish lists created by the teachers. These are books they would like to see in the classroom . A classroom filled with great books = PRICELESS! Thank you for checking out the classroom wish lists! ![]()
Students choosing the books they want to read and walking independently throughout the building to hear those stories, younger and older kids enjoying the same story, students meeting teachers in their school for the first time, students having lunch while talking with real life author on Skype - these are all images I had when organizing World Read Aloud Day! The day was a personal dream come true! New stories and connections were discovered and never forgotten. Thank you Thank you to all the volunteers who donated their time for this event! How lucky we all are!
Enjoy the collection of images captured during the day. If you have more so that I can share with the world.
Teacher / Librarian
The book fair is open today for all students to preview the books and make "Wish Lists". Please look for those to come home today. Wednesday is early dismissal and the fair will be open from 1:30-2:30. Thursday the fair will be open during school and in the evening from 5:30 - 7:30.
Santoro's Books will be donating 25% of all book fair profits to the library! See you at the book fair! Jeffrey Teacher/Librarian ![]()
Please take time this weekend to preview the "Reading Menu" ; together with your child choose six books they would enjoy listening to on Wednesday. Even if your child has completed this at school, it's encouraged that you talk about their decisions. THANK YOU for returning this form on Monday, so that we can begin making a schedule. Click here to see the WRAD page on the library site. It includes all the offered books and a short video about the event.
Kicking off World Read Aloud Day, Santoro's Books will be hosting our QAE book fair. Tuesday students are invited to visit and make wish lists. Students who would like to purchase on the first day are welcome to do do. Book Store owner, Carol Santoro, is bringing 13 tables of the latest hot titles for everyone! On Thursday the book fair will be open from 5:30-7:30 Have a great weekend! Jeffrey Teacher / Librarian
World Read Aloud Day is happening this Wednesday! Please download and print the "Reading Menu" so that you can help guide your child in selecting six of the 17 stories offered. On the day of the event students will transition throughout the buildings visiting each reader (unknown!). Youngers children will be supported by older children during the transitions. THANK YOU in advance for returning to school your child's "Reading Menu" on Monday. There is much work still needed in scheduling where everyone will go.
To bring the event to an end, various authors will be Skyping in to the classroom allowing students to meet and talk to real authors. Click here for more information about World Read Aloud Day If you have any amount of time available to be with us for the event - your support is needed. Please , our volunteer coordinator, if you are able to be with us. Jeffrey Teacher/Librarian |