Happy Thanksgiving - I am so thankful for QAE and all the students who I get see every day! - Jeffrey
It's finally here, an iPad app for Dreambox! Download the app, connect using the access code: znc2/queenaes. After you connect to QAE, find your teacher and then click on your character. I haven't played yet with the app,Please drop me an email with your thoughts/interactions.
Happy Thanksgiving - I am so thankful for QAE and all the students who I get see every day! - Jeffrey
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Do you know about The Source? Here you can see your child's attendance, state assessment scores, learning plans, library checkout history and other great information.
Click on The Source at the top of the Seattle Public Schools website and then Click on Begin Registration. Make sure you have the following before starting the process:
Many parents have been asking me - How do I know what books my child has checked out? How can I see my child's assessment scores? Here's your solution! Have a great weekend! Jeffrey Teacher / Librarian Are you following us on Twitter? I may have tweeted great things your child is doing in the library! ![]()
Stay connected with the QAE Library and follow us on Twitter. Whether it's a photo, interesting comment, useful web link, book review, reading celebration, (the list goes on and on ...) following us on Twitter will give you snapshots of your child's day at school. Could that help start conversations at home? My husband asks our daughter "How was school today?" and he's gets the same answer everyday. He now follows @QAELibrary on Twitter. Check out the Twitter feed on the home page. Nice.
Jeffrey Teacher / Librarian ![]()
We love Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr.! Self-directed students can explore an area/concept they are interested in learning more about and do extension/enrichment activities to follow-up. We've purchased a school license for our students to have access, 24/7!
Username: QAE and password: bp Often times we will use Brain Pop to set up new learning and then invite students to explore a specific area. I am hearing from teachers that "homework" may include activities from Brain Pop. For the iPad and iPhone there are Brain Pop apps available. I've heard Ms. Cryan share that her son, Jack, watches a Brain Pop movie in the morning and they talk about it. Feed the brain in a meaningful and exciting way! Check it out. Jeffrey Teacher/Librarian |