The lost and found racks are filled to the brim. As a father who really can't afford to replace lost items, I wanted to take extra steps getting these items (some quite valuable) back to the owners. With the help of talented student photographers, a slide show was created of most items. Please open this post on a web browser so that you can see  all the treasures. Click on the blog photo to visit the slideshow. Lost and Found is also located on the library site under MORE. 

Located in the brick building and Treehouse is the QAE Lost and Loved Couture. Parents, PLEASE visit and claim what is yours.  Materials remaining after a period of time will be donated to Wellsprings Family Service.

As daddy with a daughter who loses more head bands that anyone could imagine, her name goes on everything! Here is where I buy name stickers that don't come off in the wash.

in Partnership with YOU! 

Teacher / Librarian

We've had two very successful weeks assessing students using the MAP assessment. Students have enjoyed showing what they know by answering different questions in a variety of ways. We've saved the best for last, kindergartners. Parents of K students are encouraged to do the practice MAP at home. We've discussed MAP with all kindergarten students what they can expect on Tuesday and Wednesday. With your child, click on the girl for some MAP practice. 

Teacher / Librarian

Two times this year all QAE students will be given the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessment. The results from MAP is important data for teachers to begin developing differentiated learning plans for their classroom (groups) and students (individual). The data includes detailed information teachers will use to build curriculum to meet the needs of their students. 

Developed by NWEA, MAP  is a computerized adaptive assessment that captures a student's abilities, comparing the data with other students in the school, district and nation. MAP is one of many ways QAE teachers use to create personalized learning. The assessment is delivered with low stress and emphasis (it's fun) - we want students to enjoy the experience and see this as an opportunity for them to show us what they know. Student data from the assessment results will be shared with parents soon testing is completed, usually in 3-4 weeks.

This year's MAP experience will be different than in previous years. Because we no longer have a computer lab, students will be using computers in mini-labs located on the second and third floor of the Treehouse. Students will not be assessed with their entire class. MAP administrators will be going to classrooms and taking students out for the assessments. Students will return to the classroom when they are finished. K-1 students will get extra attention during the MAP assessments. 

PictureMAP Practice
Clicking on the "girl" icon will take users to a MAP practice site. I will be visiting all All K-2 classroom so that we can review MAP together. I recommend looking at this home; not only will this give your child additional practice with their clicking and dragging skills, it will give you a preview of the assessment.  The practice video takes 10 minutes. 

Click here for a Power Point that will be introduced to all students, grades 3-5. I recommend you viewing the presentation and connecting with what your child will be experiencing over the next two weeks. 

Feel free to stop by any time to talk about MAP or see it in action, please 

In partnership with you! 

Teacher / Librarian