It always amazes, delights and encourages me how much readers love a good series - even when the series never ends! While it can be frustrating for some parents when readers won't give up on a series (gotta love those Rainbow Magic fairies!) and explore new titles, I believe it's the start down a good path building a huge love of reading. Completing a series is celebrated in the library!! 

To support students in managing the books in the series, I've created series check lists. When a student begins a series, I encourage them to download the checklist, circle the titles they read, and then bring the completed check list (signed by a parent so they can be celebrated at home) for me to see. Along with my excitement they are given a current Scholastic Book Order for them to choose any book ($4.50 or less). Some students are choosing the next book in a series they are reading that is not available in the QAE library - a very good thing! 




10/10/2012 21:38

Mr. Jeffrey,
You are really awesome and your enthusiasm is infectious! Joshua and Cameron love reading and visiting you in the library.


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