Ms. Leland's amazing students created, wrote and produced these six famous short stories. Students from all grades were invited to enjoy this theater masterpiece and I was privileged to record and edit! This is my first iMovie experiement; there's no better way to learn when it's actually tied to an authentic end product. Thank you in advance to movie makers reading this blog for sharing suggestions (or even a 30 minute session!) on how I can improve my skills as a movie maker. Students will definitely be learning iMovie to create, share creative talents and new learning. This collections is truly "bringing literature alive"! Enjoy - Please leave a specific comment below that will shared and enjoyed. Your comments, questions, suggestions and compliments are the power of any blog or audience.
Today celebrates two special events, the birth of Theodor Seuss Geisel and Read Across America. Dr. Seuss, without a doubt, is the major reason for Read Across America. As a father of a three year old, who always dreamed of reading to his child, I now have proof that Dr. Seuss creates interest, totally FUN to read and begins to foster a love of reading/listening. There is nothing like reading aloud stories written in rhyme with nonsense words that are catalyst for conversation and wonder.
Read Across America, an nation wide event created by NEA, that showcases "reading". Teachers on this day do activities around reading, bring in guest speakers to read aloud and give students more time to read! I enjoy this day, but sometimes I question whether or not some students may believe this is the ONLY day they have to read. At QAE, our students are reading everyday and more!
This week the library has focused on the author, Mem Fox. It's not often I get to say "I know this author", but I do! I met Mem a decade ago. I sat behind her at a conference and heard her say to a friend that her neck was stiff - Yes, I reached over and gave her a quick neck massage. While this is not something I normally would do, I just knew I may never have this chance to touch my favorite author with a reason! Below are Mem Fox's Ten Commandments for Reading Aloud (More research is not needed on why reading a loud is absolutely critical for our kids, WE KNOW IT). The 10 Commandments are guidelines for all of us to focus and insure our commitment to kids. ![]()
Mem Fox’s Ten Read Aloud Commandments
1. Spend at least ten wildly happy minutes every single dayreading aloud. 2. Read at least three stories a day: it may be the same story three times. Children need to hear a thousand stories before they can begin to learn to read. 3. Read aloud with animation. Listen to your own voice and don’t be dull, or flat, or boring. Hang loose and be loud, have fun and laugh a lot. 4. Read with joy and enjoyment: real enjoyment for yourself and great joy for the listeners. 5. Read the stories that the kids love, over and over and over again, and always read in the same ‘tune’ for each book: i.e. with the same intonations on each page, each time. 6. Let children hear lots of language by talking to them constantly about the pictures, or anything else connected to the book; or sing any old song that you can remember; or say nursery rhymes in a bouncy way; or be noisy together doing clapping games. 7. Look for rhyme, rhythm or repetition in books for young children, and make sure the books are really short. 8. Play games with the things that you and the child can see on the page, such as letting kids finish rhymes, and finding the letters that start the child’s name and yours, remembering that it’s never work, it’s always a fabulous game. 9. Never ever teach reading, or get tense around books. 10. Please read aloud every day, mums and dads, because you just love being with your child, not because it’s the right thing to do.
As a new daddy of a three year old, I finally "get it" - that empty feeling - wondering "where is that jacket?" - It's in the Lost and Found!! Our rack of treasures is out of control, and slightly stressing me out. Please take at a look at the collection and see what may belong to your child. If you don't see your lost item, come take a look; new pieces are being added daily. The school may need to make a donation to make room for new items.
Queen Anne / McDonald Elementary Lost and Found Couture Collection
Our MLK celebration was filled with chanting, singing, poetry, images and videos. Enjoy!
Check out this slideshow of the QAE staff touring Old Hay
Students need 21st century skills (see 21st Century tab above) to be successful! Having the ability to form letters, use spaces and put words together to form sentences is high on the important list if we want kids to express themselves and communicate with the world. Seeing that our digital native kids will be communicating via a keyboard or touch pad, being efficient will allow them to focus on content rather the skill of typing. It is my job as an educator to make sure students have writing skills (the list is long) and be properly introduced to a keyboard (home row, posture, key fingering). Allowing our kids time to practice the writing and keyboarding skills we've taught will be crucial - "practice DOES make perfect". I am a product of always "looking at the keys" and when I was much older I realized I had developed poor keyboarding habits. I was making errors galore, spending too much time thinking about typing and was not having fun getting the job done. After teaching kindergarten for many years and having a three year old, I know that kids are genius and are capable of huge tasks, assuming it's developmentally appropriate. Having my daughter look for letters on a keyboard she has not yet identified is not appropriate. Asking a kindergartner to hunt and peek, looking for letters on a keyboard is extremely appropriate, especially when done using an exciting program like Up Beat Typing. Check out all the keyboarding links under Resources.
Students at Queen Anne Elementary are using a program called Type to Learn. In a previous blog post I included a link where parents can download the program. It's been shared that the download takes FOREVER! I have created CDs with both Windows and Mac versions of the program. Please let if you'd like a CD to install.
From home, you can browse books in the library or visit Internet sites (Click Visual Search) that students have been introduced to in the computer lab. When you click on the image below it will take you to the QAE/MCD Library. Click on Destiny Quest in the left navigation. This will take you to the window students are most familiar with in the library.
QAE/MCD Library Database
Dear Parents – We believe that proper keyboarding is a 21st Century skill and essential for all students. At Queen Anne and McDonald Elementary students are becoming solid keyboarders by practicing using a program called Type To Learn 4. This program begins each student at the basic foundation of keyboarding: hand positioning, posture, and home row keys.
Below are links that will allow parents to download Type To Learn at home – it is our goal that keyboarding practice continues at home. Each child has an individual account that monitors his/her progress. The program will progress the user as they finish activities with success. Practice at home will be recorded on individual accounts. MAC Window After downloading the program email me for the account code needed to activate the account. Your child should know his/her password. I will respond quickly, make a note of those students connected and also include instructions on Type To Learn 4. Type to Learn 4 was developed for students in grades K-12. Kindergarten and first graders will be using Type To Learn Jr in the classroom. Parents are still welcome to download TTL4. Happy Keyboarding! Mr. Jeffrey Click on the green envelop to the right of this post and receive the library blog in your in box - never miss an important post from me or one of our guest blogger!
Reader's Workshop was developed with two main thoughts: readers should read books at their level for success and improvement in reading and readers should be given time to practice reading. Makes sense to me! Below is a great little tool that will support readers in finding books that are "just right:" and for parents to support their children in finding appropriate books. Remember, books that are read aloud ("read to books" do not have to be "just right" books, those books can be at higher levels with the assumption that difficult vocabulary is discussed.
I've set up all the Decemeber Scholastic Book catalogs (SeaSaw, Arrow, Lucky, Holiday, and Clearance). Perfect Christmas gifts, guarenteed to arrive before Christmas. Books purchased on Scholastic earn the school points, buying us more books for the library and classrooms.
Online Ordering Information Web address: Class Activation Code: HGV8H Go to and log in using your user name and password. Online ordering offers you several advantages, mostly the abiltiy to use your credit card and saving paper and time. |