Welcome to the Surfing pathfinder! Using this blog, post the questions you have about the Surfing for our students to explore? Please come back for answers!
National Scholastic Surfing Association
Surfing Museum
Surfing Kids
Bailey (with Zoe, Laila, and Maia E)
03/23/2012 1:40pm
Q. Do kids surf?
A. Kids can surf! Anyone who can stay up on a board can definitely learn.
Q.can people go over waves?
A. people can go over waves! They skim on top of it and sometimes the wave will go over their head.
Q.is surfing scary?
A.Especially when you first learn, it can be very scary to try to surf.
03/23/2012 1:41pm
I learned that surfers fall off their boards
Cosimo and Jackson
03/23/2012 1:50pm
I learned that surfing is really fun and wear a wet suit in the winter! :) Ask what board I should use and paddle around in the water then kneel and soon stand up! Stay Safe!