You are considered digital native, meaning you have interacted with digital technology (computers, Internet, mobile devices) from a very early age. Whether you are interacting with a cyber friend or on the playground with a group of friends, you make decisions about those interactions (kind or unkind) and attitudes (respectful or disrespectful). Do you follow the same rules when responding to a blog post that you would when sharing your opinion with someone in person, face to face? What is the difference insulting something in person and posting a negative comment about someone?
- Watch the Brain Pop video on cyber bullying or Brain Pop Jr. video on bullying take the quiz. Print your results and share with Mr. Jeffrey.
- Watch the Brain Pop video on cyber bullying or Brain Pop Jr. video on bullying take the quiz. Print your results and share with Mr. Jeffrey.
Grades K-1
grades 2-5
- Click Here for questions and answers about Cyber bullying - Is there a question you would like to add? Did you find answers to some of your questions?
- Respond to this blog with the following:
- What does cyber bullying mean to you?
- What solution do you have for a friend or yourself being bullied on-line?
- What does cyber bullying mean to you?
- What solution do you have for a friend or yourself being bullied on-line?